How to Stay Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is to get vaccinated, as this protects against serious illness if you contract the virus. 

To find out more about the COVID-19 vaccine:

However, with over 5 million adults in the UK remaining unvaccinated, and some vaccinated people wanting to take extra precautions, there are other things we can all do in order to protect ourselves, and other people against infection.

These include:

Regular testing

By testing for COVID-19 you can decrease the chances of passing on COVID-19. Lateral flow tests are an easy way to test, and give results in half an hour. These should be used for regular testing if you haven’t got any symptoms.

You can order lateral flow tests for free here. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, then don’t use a lateral flow test, you should self-isolate and order a PCR test, which is better at detecting the virus in people with symptoms. PCR tests are also free to order.

Using the app

By using the NHS COVID-19 app, you’re more likely to know if you’ve been exposed to COVID-19. The app alerts you if someone you’ve been close to has tested positive, and also provides information on the levels of infection in your local area.

Wearing a mask

Mask wearing in indoor spaces can reduce the transmission of COVID-19 which is mostly an airborne virus. Although the national mandate to wear masks in most indoor public spaces has been lifted (though not all, masks are still required on London public transport), many people are still choosing to wear masks indoors in order to keep their community safe.

Indoor ventilation

COVID-19 is more easily spread in indoor environments where there isn’t a good flow of fresh air. One easy way to decrease the likelihood of spreading the virus is to keep windows open in order to keep fresh air moving throughout an indoor space. Though as we approach the winter months, this becomes less and less practical.

Hand washing

Regularly washing your hands is a simple way to reduce your likelihood of COVID-19 infection. Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands after you’ve been in a public space, or on transport.

Social distancing

At the moment social distancing isn’t legally required, except for people instructed by NHS to isolate. It is, however, an effective way of keeping yourself, or a vulnerable loved one safe.